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Cross Platform Correspondence Course – Responding to Questions On Site


The best thing about being on site is interacting with the diverse individuals on a construction site.

At this stage in my career, I am weaving back into practicing Resident Engineering. It is fun, challenging, rewarding and I feel that I have catapulted my knowledge-base after starting a business, working for all stakeholders, by exposing myself to new experiences, new projects and setting new goals. I can't wait to formalize versions of free and paid courses because I am so inspired daily by the people I work with, the client, the contractors, the superintendents, and project managers. I want others to be able to experience the same thing and help advance the profession and industry through information sharing.

As for my business Context Capital Asset Management, LLC we are rebranding to and pivoting to information-sharing. The SanFranscico-based non-profit; AECHackathon is a catalyst because of this one-of-a-kind AEC Industry subculture that combines and empowers computer scientist professionals,land planners, spacial engineers, computational engineers, data scientists, and AEC industry experts to step out of their comfort zone and create solutions with intensity and vigor.

This cross disciplinary approach is essentially inviting a whole new construction subculture and is at the fore-front of the construction industry evolution.

The story of how the AECHackathon came about, is unique and relatable to my junior construction management experiences. Although, I have a different mindset the value of this collaborative event is essential for all organizations. For anyone interested in starting your own AECHackathon or Innovation Contest, please reach out to Damon Hernandez on LinkedIn or respond to this post or the web page.

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